
Merci de déposer votre proposition de stage pour le M2S3 BSIB 2018-2019.

Le stage se déroulera du 12 nov au 7 décembre 2018 (4 semaines).

Responsable de l'équipe d'accueil

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Personne encadrant le stage


Lieu du stage

UMR 7242 - Epigenetic regulation of cell identity
University of Strasbourg - CNRS
300 Bd Sébastien Brant, BP 10413
67412 Illkirch cedex, France

Sujet du stage

Regulation of transcription factor binding by chromatin
Regulation of gene expression is driven by sequence-specific transcription factors (TFs) that bind to regulatory regions through the recognition of short specific DNA sequence motifs. However, while thousands of occurrences of specific TF motifs are found within genomes, only a small fraction is bound in a context-specific manner. Therefore, the specificity of TF binding must be controlled by other means. DNA methylation that occurs on cytosines mostly within CpG dinucleotides and has the potential to block TF binding. However, it is still disputed which TFs are sensitive to DNA methylation and if DNA hypomethylation is a cause or consequence of TF binding.

The goal of this project is to integrate genomic data to explore which TFs are sensitive to DNA methylation in mammalian cells. First, you will predict TF binding sites using TF motifs information and DNA accessibility data (DNase I sequencing). Second, you will predict TF sensitive to DNA methylation by integrating TF binding sites to methylation data (whole genome bisulfite sequencing).

Potential candidate TFs predicted to be sensitive to DNA methylation will then be validated experimentally in our laboratory by chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing. Ultimately, the project will lead to a better understanding of how the chromatin context influences TF binding, which is critical to build predictive models of TF binding and gene regulation.

You will be part of a dynamic research team interested in the epigenetic regulation of mammalian genomes. You will benefit from our strong expertise in bioinformatics, genomics and DNA methylation for the success of the project.

This project can be extended into a PhD project.

More information on our team can be found on:

Do not hesitate to contact us for questions: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

"Mini-Stage en laboratoire" : 9 ECTS.



L'étudiant intègre pendant cette période une équipe de recherche et participe sous le contrôle d'un tuteur de stage aux travaux de recherche de l'équipe.

Durée : 4 semaines, temps complet.


Compétences visées

Connaissance par la pratique du métier de chercheur. Comprendre une stratégie de recherche et les solutions proposées. Mise en pratique des connaissances acquises en situation réelle.

Le contrôle des connaissances

Le contrôle des connaissances pour cette UE comporte 2 aspects :

  • un rapport écrit (coefficient 2) (date de remise décembre 2018)
  • une présentation orale (décembre 2018), la date sera précisée :
       - exposé oral (coefficient 4)
       - réponses aux questions (coefficient 3)