
Merci de déposer votre proposition de stage pour le M2S3 BSIB 2020-2021.

Le stage se déroulera du entre novembre et décembre 2020 (4 semaines).

Ce stage peut-être adossé au stage de M2S4.

Responsable de l'équipe d'accueil

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Personne encadrant le stage


Lieu du stage

1 rue Laurent Fries, 67404 Illkirch France

Sujet du stage

Modeling Gene Regulation with an Interpretable Variational Autoencoder
Project summary
Biology is going through an incredible revolution: current experimental techniques allows us to generate GBs of data in each experiment. In addition, international consortiums gather to address comprehensively specific problems in biology. For instance, the Human Cell Atlas Project aims to map and characterize all cells types in the human body using single-cell genomic techniques as a basis for both understanding human health and diagnosing, monitoring, and treating disease. This goal represents new exciting challenges in Mathematics and Computer Science as novel approaches are required to identify patterns, extract valuable information and produce reliable predictions. Machine Learning techniques have been proven to be a very powerful tool for these tasks. In particular, variational autoencoders have been used to learn reduced dimensional latent spaces from genomic data (see Fig. 1). However, the black-box nature of the methods hinders the interpretability of the latent variables. In this project we aim to develop an interpretable variational autoencoder to model gene regulation from single-cell transcriptomic data (see Fig. 1). Briefly, imposing prior knowledge on gene interactions through the network structure of the decoder will allows us to interpret latent variables as activities of regulatory proteins. Thus, we will be able to infer the key regulators that are responsible for the specific transcriptome in each single cell. Furthermore, using optimal transport theory on the latent regulatory space we will be able to predict the minimum number of regulators that need to be modified to promote a transition from one particular cell type to another. Finally, these results may have important implications to help the development of cell therapies.

Required skills
Very good programming skills will be expected. Good background in mathematics will be a plus. Prior knowledge in biology is not required but certain degree of curiosity to learn new fields will be desirable.

Acquired expertise during the internship
Mastering machine learning and deep neuronal networks. Programming with TensorFlow and Pytorch. Basic learning on genomics and gene regulation. Critical thinking and training for oral and written research communication.

Nacho Molina (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

"Mini-Stage en laboratoire" : 9 ECTS.



L'étudiant intègre pendant cette période une équipe de recherche et participe sous le contrôle d'un tuteur de stage aux travaux de recherche de l'équipe.

Durée : 4 semaines, temps complet.


Compétences visées

Connaissance par la pratique du métier de chercheur. Comprendre une stratégie de recherche et les solutions proposées. Mise en pratique des connaissances acquises en situation réelle.

Le contrôle des connaissances

Le contrôle des connaissances pour cette UE comporte 2 aspects :

  • un rapport écrit (coefficient 2) (date de remise décembre 2020)
  • une présentation orale (décembre 2020), la date sera précisée :
       - exposé oral (coefficient 4)
       - réponses aux questions (coefficient 3)