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03 20 43 40 37

Personne encadrant le stage

03 20 43 40 37

Lieu du stage

Université de Lille, Sciences et Technologies
INSERM U908, CPAC, Cell Plasticity and Cancer
Bât. SN3
59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq

Sujet du stage

Network learning and modeling of integrin inhibition to induce cancer cell killing. Application to Glioblastoma.
The project involves 3 teams with biologists (at Strasbourg) and Biocomputing experts (at Lille).

Glioblastoma are the most agressive brain tumors. New therapeutic approaches all failed and patient survival remains very short. Integrins are αβ heterodimeric transmembrane proteins translating environmental cues into cell behavior. Integrin-mediated environment sensing enables cells to adapt to stress situations by modulating cell adhesion, proliferation, survival, migration and differentiation Integrin expressions and pathways are critically deregulated in cancer cells and thus specific integrins make a major contribution to tumor growth and resistance to therapies. Although preclinical data strongly favored the proposition of anti-integrin drugs as pertinent therapeutic agents, the bench-to-bedside translation was not successfully achieved. The goal of this project is therefore to identify synthetic lethal partners of α5 integrin antagonists for the treatment of glioblastoma.

The master traineeship will be done at Lille with regular meetings with Strasbourg collaborators. The master student will be involved in two tasks: 1) Network inference and identification of integrin pathways combining bottom-up and top-down system approaches, 2) Network modeling, interrogation and identification of new synthetic lethal interactions. The final goal of the project is to propose new therapeutic options for glioblastoma.
Strasbourg contact : Dr Monique Dontenwill, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., tel 0368854267